What is Mixture of Experts Approach of LLM Development?

Gyan Prakash Tripathi 15 Jan, 2024
4 min read


The ever-evolving landscape of language model development saw the release of a groundbreaking paper – the Mixtral 8x7B paper. Released just a month ago, this model sparked excitement by introducing a novel architectural paradigm, the “Mixture of Experts” (MoE) approach. Departing from the strategies of most Language Models (LLMs), Mixtral 8x7B is a fascinating development in the field.

Understanding the Mixture of Experts Approach

Core Components

The Mixture of Experts approach relies on two main components: the Router and the Experts. In decision-making, the Router determines which expert or experts to trust for a given input and how to weigh their results. On the other hand, Experts are individual models specializing in different aspects of the problem at hand.

Mixtral 8x7B has eight experts available, but it selectively utilizes only two for any given input. This selective utilization of experts distinguishes MoE from ensemble techniques, which combine results from all models.

Mixture of experts layer | Mixtral 8x7B | LLM Development

What are these Experts?

In the Mixtral 8x7B model, “experts” denote specialized feedforward blocks within the Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE) architecture. Each layer in the model comprises 8 feedforward blocks. At every token and layer, a router network selects two feedforward blocks (experts) to process the token and combine their outputs additively.

Each expert is a specialized component or function within the model that contributes to the processing of tokens. The selection of experts is dynamic, varying for each token and timestep. This architecture aims to increase the model’s capacity while controlling computational cost and latency by utilizing only a subset of parameters for each token.

Working of MoE Approach

The MoE approach unfolds in a sequence of steps:

  • Router Decision: When presented with a new input, the Router decides which experts should handle the input. Remarkably, Mixtral’s approach leans towards syntax rather than domain for expert selection.
  • Expert Predictions: The selected experts then make predictions based on their specialized knowledge of different facets of the problem. This allows for a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the input.
  • Weighted Combination: The final prediction results from combining the selected experts’ outputs. The combination is weighted, reflecting the Router’s trust level for each expert concerning the specific input.

How Mixtral 8x7B Uses MoE?

Mixtral-8x7B adopts a decoder-only model, where the feedforward block selects from eight distinct groups of parameters. At every layer, for every token, a router network chooses two groups to process the token and combine their output additively.

This unique technique increases the model’s parameter count while maintaining cost and latency control. Despite having 46.7B total parameters, Mixtral 8x7B only uses 12.9B parameters per token, ensuring processing efficiency. Processing input and generating output at the same speed and cost as a 12.9B model creates a balance between performance and resource utilization.

Benefits of Using the MoE Approach as Compared to the Conventional Approach

The Mixture of Experts (MoE) approach, including the Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE) used in the Mixtral 8x7B model, offers several benefits in the context of large language models and neural networks:

  • Increased Model Capacity: MoE allows for creating models with many parameters by dividing the model into specialized expert components. Each expert can focus on learning specific patterns or features in the data, leading to increased representational capacity.
  • Efficient Computation: The use of experts allows the model to selectively activate only a subset of parameters for a given input. This selective activation leads to more efficient computations, particularly when dealing with sparse data or when only specific features are relevant to a particular task.
  • Adaptability and Specialization: Different experts can specialize in handling specific types of input or tasks. This adaptability allows the model to focus on relevant information for different tokens or parts of the input sequence, improving performance on diverse tasks.
  • Improved Generalization: MoE models have shown improved generalization capabilities, allowing them to perform well on various tasks and datasets. The specialization of experts helps the model capture intricate patterns in the data, leading to better overall performance.
  • Better Handling of Multimodal Data: MoE models can naturally handle multimodal data, where information from different sources or modalities needs to be integrated. Each expert can learn to process a specific modality, and the routing mechanism can adapt to the input data’s characteristics.
  • Control Over Computational Cost: MoE models offer fine-grained control over computational cost by activating only a subset of parameters for each input. This control is beneficial for managing inference speed and model efficiency.


The Mixtral 8x7B paper has introduced the Mixture of Experts’ approaches to the world of LLMs, showcasing its potential by outperforming larger models on various benchmarks. The MoE approach, emphasizing selective expert utilization and syntax-driven decision-making, presents a fresh perspective on language model development.

As the field advances, the Mixtral 8x7B and its innovative approach pave the way for future developments in LLM architecture. The Mixture of Experts approach, emphasizing specialized knowledge and nuanced predictions, is set to contribute significantly to language model evolution. As researchers explore its implications and applications, Mixtral 8x7B’s journey into uncharted territory marks a defining moment in language model development.

Read the complete research paper here.

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