Top 10 Open-Source LLMs for 2024 and Their Uses

ayushi9821704 23 Jul, 2024
9 min read


Large language models (LLMs) represent a category of artificial intelligence (AI) trained on extensive datasets of text. This training enables them to excel in tasks such as text generation, language translation, creative content creation across various genres, and providing informative responses to queries. Open-source LLMs, in particular, are those LLMs made freely accessible for use and modification by anyone.In this article, you will get to know about the free llm, best and top open source llms.

What are Open-Source LLMs ?

Open-source LLM models, like transformers, train on vast textual datasets to mimic human-like language generation. What sets them apart is their freely available source code, enabling unrestricted usage, modification, and distribution. This fosters global collaboration, with developers enhancing features and functionality. By reducing development costs, organizations benefit from time and resource savings. Moreover, these adaptable models excel in various NLP tasks, promoting transparency and responsible AI practices while democratizing access to cutting-edge technology.

Top 10 Open-Source LLMs for 2024 and their Uses

Here is the list of top open-source LLMs:

Grok AI

Grok AI is an innovative open-source LLM that revolutionizes text summarization and comprehension with advanced NLP algorithms. It employs advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to extract key insights from complex documents quickly and accurately. Grok AI’s technology builds on a foundation of deep learning models, allowing it to understand context, semantics, and relationships within text, resulting in precise and coherent summaries. This LLM is available only on twitter.


Uses and Applications

Grok AI, an open-source LLM, offers versatile uses across industries. It aids researchers with swift insights from papers, supports business planning with market data analysis, and assists content creators in crafting engaging material. Legal professionals benefit from its document summarization, while educators and students use it for efficient learning. Grok AI also streamlines information retrieval, provides real-time insights, and integrates seamlessly with applications for enhanced productivity.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.


The open-source LLM known as LLaMA 2, or “Large Language Model for AI,” was created by UC Berkeley academics. This model, which is based on LLaMA, has notable enhancements in terms of efficiency and scalability. massive-scale language understanding tasks are the main focus of its design, which makes it perfect for applications requiring the processing of massive amounts of text data. The transformer architecture, on which LLaMA 2 is built, enables efficient training and inference on a variety of NLP tasks.

LLama 2

Uses and Applications

Researchers and developers use LLaMA 2 for many different NLP applications. It performs exceptionally well in tasks like language modeling, question answering, sentiment analysis, and text summarization. Because of its scalability, it can handle huge datasets with efficiency, which makes it especially useful for projects requiring sophisticated language processing capabilities.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

“Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,” or BERT, is an abbreviation denoting a significant development in Google’s natural language processing (NLP) technology. Bidirectional context understanding is introduced by this open-source LLM, which enables it to examine both terms that come before and after a word in order to grasp its full context. Because of its transformer architecture, BERT can better grasp and generate language by capturing minute relationships and nuances in the language.


Uses and Applications

BERT is widely used for a variety of NLP jobs because of its adaptability. It is used in text categorization, question answering, named entity recognition (NER), and sentiment analysis. Companies incorporate BERT into recommendation engines, chatbots, and search engines to improve user experiences by producing natural language with more accuracy.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.


The Allen Institute for AI created BLOOM, an open-source Large Language Model (LLM). The creation of logical and contextually appropriate language is the main goal of this model’s design. With the use of sophisticated transformer-based architectures, BLOOM is able to comprehend and produce writing that is highly accurate and fluent in the human language. It works especially well at producing responses in normal language that are coherent and in context.


Uses and Applications

BLOOM is used in several natural language processing (NLP) domains, such as document classification, dialogue production, and text summarization. Companies may develop product descriptions, automate content generation, and build interesting chatbot conversations with BLOOM. BLOOM is used by researchers in machine learning projects for data augmentation and language modeling tasks.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.

Falcon 180B

Falcon 180B, an open-source Large Language Model (LLM) designed for efficient language understanding and processing. Developed with a focus on scalability and performance, Falcon 180B utilizes transformer-based architectures to achieve high-speed processing of large text datasets. Optimized for tasks requiring quick and accurate responses, it is ideal for real-time applications.

Falcon 180B

Uses and Applications

The Falcon 180B finds use in a range of natural language processing (NLP) applications where efficiency and speed are essential. Users can employ it for question answering, text completion, and language modeling. Businesses use Falcon 180B for social media research, chatbot development, and content recommendation systems where quick text processing is crucial.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.


XLNet is an open-source Large Language Model (LLM) based on a generalized autoregressive pretraining approach. Developed to address the limitations of traditional autoregressive models, XLNet introduces a permutation-based pretraining method. This allows XLNet to model dependencies beyond neighboring words, resulting in improved language understanding and generation capabilities.


Uses and Applications

When it comes to activities requiring the understanding of long-range dependencies and relationships in text, XLNet excels. Text creation, inquiry answering, and language modeling are examples of applications. XLNet is used by researchers and developers for jobs that need a thorough comprehension of context and the creation of contextually relevant text.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.


A group of researchers created the open-source Large Language Model (LLM) OPT-175B with the goal of processing language effectively. This model concentrates on optimization strategies to improve managing large-scale text data speed and performance. Because OPT-175B is built on a transformer architecture, it can generate and interpret language accurately.

Meta opt-175B

Uses and Applications

Users utilize OPT-175B for a number of natural language processing (NLP) applications, including document categorization, sentiment analysis, and text summarization. Its optimization features make it suitable for applications where text data needs to be processed quickly and effectively.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.


An open-source Large Language Model (LLM) designed for complex text generating tasks is called XGen-7B. This model is appropriate for applications that need the creation of creative material since it is made to produce varied and captivating prose that sounds like human writing. Because XGen-7B is built on transformer architectures, it can comprehend complex linguistic nuances and patterns.


Uses and Applications

Applications for XGen-7B include dialogue systems, story development, and the production of creative content. Companies create product descriptions, marketing material, and user-specific information using XGen-7B. Researchers also use XGen-7B for applications related to creative writing and language modeling.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.

GPT-NeoX and GPT-J

The well-liked Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series variations, GPT-NeoX and GPT-J, aim for efficiency and scalability in their development. These large language models (LLMs) are open-source software designed to perform well on a variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications.


Uses and Applications

GPT-NeoX and GPT-J power various NLP applications such as language understanding, text completion, and chatbot interactions. They excel in sentiment analysis, code generation, and content summarization tasks. Their versatility and effectiveness make them valuable tools for developers and businesses seeking advanced language processing capabilities.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.

Vicuna 13-B

An open-source Large Language Model (LLM) called Vicuna 13-B is designed for scalable and effective language processing. It prioritizes efficiency and optimization while handling massive amounts of text data, utilizing transformer topologies.

Vicuna 13-B

Uses and Applications

Applications for Vicuna 13-B include question answering, text summarization, and language modeling.
Organizations use Vicuna 13-B for tasks related to sentiment analysis, content recommendation systems, and chatbot development. It is an excellent choice for efficiently processing massive amounts of text data because of its scalability and effectiveness.

Access the open-source LLM by clicking here.

Advantages of Using Open-Source LLMs

LLMs have multiple advantages. Let us look into few of those:

  • Accessibility: Open-source LLMs have made robust language models freely available to developers, researchers, and businesses, democratizing cutting-edge AI technology.
  • Customization: Developers can modify and fine-tune open-source LLMs to suit specific needs and applications, tailoring them for diverse tasks such as sentiment analysis, summarization, or chatbot development.
  • Cost-Effective: By using open-source LLMs, companies can save a substantial amount of time and money by avoiding the need to create models from scratch.
  • Versatility: These models are adaptable tools for a variety of industries and applications, supporting a broad range of natural language processing activities from translation to text production.
  • Ethical Transparency: A lot of open-source LLMs encourage moral AI practices and technological trust by being transparent about their algorithms and training data.
  • Innovation Acceleration: By utilizing open-source language models (LLMs) and focusing on creating cutting-edge applications and solutions rather than rewriting the underlying language model, academics and businesses can advance the field of natural language processing (NLP).
  • Community Support: For those utilizing these LLMs, the open-source community offers forums, guides, and documentation as helpful tools.

How to Choose Right Open-Source LLM ?

Choosing the right open-source Large Language Model (LLM) from the list can depend on several factors. Here are some considerations to help in deciding which LLM to choose:

  • Task Requirements:
    • Identify the specific NLP task you need the model for: Is it text summarization, sentiment analysis, question answering, language modeling, or something else?
    • Different models excel in different tasks. For example, BERT excels in sentiment analysis and question answering, while models like Grok AI and XGen-7B shine in text generation and creative writing tasks.
  • Model Capabilities:
    • Review the strengths and features of each model: Some models may have specialized architectures or training methodologies that suit specific tasks better.
    • Consider whether you need bidirectional context understanding (like BERT), long-range dependency modeling (like XLNet), or efficient text generation (like Grok AI or XGen-7B).
  • Size of the Dataset:
    • Some models, like LLaMA 2 and GPT-NeoX/GPT-J, may require a smaller dataset for fine-tuning compared to larger models like Falcon 180B or Vicuna 13-B.
    • If you have a limited dataset, a smaller model might be more suitable and require less training time and computational resources.
  • Computational Resources:
    • Larger models such as Falcon 180B or Vicuna 13-B require substantial computational power for training and inference.
    • Consider the availability of GPUs or TPUs for training and whether your infrastructure can handle the model’s size and complexity.
  • Performance Metrics:
    • Look at benchmark results or performance metrics on standard NLP tasks.
    • Models like BERT and GPT series often have well-documented performance on various benchmarks, which can give an indication of their effectiveness.
  • Experimentation and Evaluation:
    • Trying out several models will usually help you determine which one works best for your particular use case.
    • Compare measures for translating tasks, such as accuracy, precision, recall, or BLEU score, by conducting evaluations on a validation dataset.

Are there any open-source LLMs?

Yes, there are a number of open-source LLMs available. These models offer several advantages over closed-source options, including:

  • Free to use: You don’t need to pay licensing fees to use or modify the LLM.
  • Modifiable: You can customize the LLM for your specific needs by tweaking the code.
  • Transparent: The inner workings of the model are open for scrutiny, which can help to identify and address potential biases.

Here are some of the most popular open-source LLMs:

  • BLOOM: This massive 176-billion parameter model boasts impressive multilingual capabilities.
  • OPT-175B: This LLM is known for achieving state-of-the-art performance on various language benchmarks.
  • GPT-NeoX: This open-source version of GPT-3 offers a powerful alternative with comparable capabilities.
  • XLNet: While not the newest, XLNet remains a well-regarded open-source option for various NLP tasks.


Large Language Models (LLMs), which provide very accurate and sophisticated text production, will rule Natural Language Processing (NLP) in 2024. Open-source LLMs like BERT, Grok AI, and XLNet are transforming industries with their adaptability to tasks like sentiment analysis. By offering affordable and easily accessible solutions to researchers and enterprises, these models democratize AI technology. Choosing the right LLM for diverse NLP needs hinges on factors like task requirements, model capabilities, and available computational resources. Open-source LLMs pave the way for innovative applications, ushering in a new era of intelligent language processing and connectivity.

Hope you like the article and getting understanding about the top open source llms. These best source llm models are helpful in 2024. The free llms are accesible to Everyone.

Q1.Which is the best free LLM for coding?

Best free coding LLMs: Code Llama, StarCoder, Phind-CodeLlama. Choose based on task, hardware, speed, accuracy, and community.

Q2.Which OpenLLM is the best?

Best OpenLLM? Depends on your needs. Consider size, task, efficiency, license, and community. Top options: Llama 2, Falcon-40B, MPT-30B, StableLM, Bloom. Experiment to find the best fit.

ayushi9821704 23 Jul, 2024

My name is Ayushi Trivedi. I am a B. Tech graduate. I have 3 years of experience working as an educator and content editor. I have worked with various python libraries, like numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scikit, imblearn, linear regression and many more. I am also an author. My first book named #turning25 has been published and is available on amazon and flipkart. Here, I am technical content editor at Analytics Vidhya. I feel proud and happy to be AVian. I have a great team to work with. I love building the bridge between the technology and the learner.

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Responses From Readers


radha krishna
radha krishna 09 Apr, 2024

Very informative post. Thank you @Ayushi