What is the Chain of Numerical Reasoning in Prompt Engineering?

Shikha Sen 01 Aug, 2024
10 min read


Prompt engineering has become essential in the rapidly changing fields of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Of all its methods, the Chain of Numerical Reasoning (CoNR) is one of the most effective ways to improve AI models’ capacity for intricate computations and deductive reasoning. This article explores the complexities of CoNR, its uses, and how it’s transforming human-AI interaction.

Chain of Numerical Reasoning in Prompt Engineering


  • Chain of Numerical Reasoning (CoNR) is a prompt engineering technique to enhance AI’s computational and deductive abilities.
  • CoNR breaks down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps, improving accuracy and transparency by simulating human cognitive processes.
  • The article provides a step-by-step guide on using CoNR with the OpenAI API for structured problem-solving.
  • CoNR is used in finance, scientific research, engineering, business intelligence, and education for tasks like risk assessment and resource allocation.
  • CoNR’s future includes adaptive and multi-modal reasoning, enhancing explainable AI, and personalized learning.
  • Ensuring accuracy at each step is crucial to prevent errors in the reasoning chain.

Chain of Numerical Reasoning(CoNR)

A prompt engineering technique called Chain of Numerical Reasoning leads AI models through a sequential logical and numerical reasoning process. By breaking large, difficult issues into smaller, more manageable pieces, CoNR allows AI to do unprecedentedly accurate financial analysis, data-driven decision-making, and mathematical challenges.

CoNR’s Secret Formula

One of CoNR’s greatest features is its ability to simulate human thought processes. CoNR asks the AI to demonstrate its work, much like we may scribble down our progress when working through a maths problem. This increases the end result’s accuracy and makes the AI’s decision-making process more transparent.

The Cognitive Architecture of CoNR

At its core, CoNR emulates the cognitive processes of human experts when confronted with complex numerical challenges. It’s not merely about reaching a final answer; it’s about constructing a logical framework that mirrors human thought patterns:

  • Problem Decomposition: CoNR begins by breaking down the overarching problem into smaller, logically connected components.
  • Sequential Reasoning: Each sub-problem is addressed in a specific order, with each step building upon the previous ones.
  • Intermediate Variable Tracking: The technique involves careful management of intermediate results, mirroring how humans might jot down partial solutions.
  • Contextual Awareness: Throughout the process, the AI maintains awareness of the broader context, ensuring that each step contributes meaningfully to the final solution.
  • Error Checking and Validation: CoNR incorporates mechanisms for the AI to verify its work at crucial junctures, reducing the likelihood of compounding errors.

Implementing the CoNR using the OpenAI API

To further understand the idea, let’s see an example  and understand how we can implement the CoNRs using the OpenAI API with a carefully crafted prompt: 

Here’s an example:

Step 1: Install and Import Dependencies

First, let’s install the necessary library and import the required modules:

!pip install openai --upgrade

Importing libraries

import os
from openai import OpenAI
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
client = OpenAI()  # Make sure to set your API key properly

Setting Api key configuration

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]= “Your open-API-Key”

Step 2: Creating Our Helper Function: 

We’ll create a function called generate_responses. 

def generate_responses(prompt, n=1):
   Generate responses from the OpenAI API.
   - prompt (str): The prompt to be sent to the API.
   - n (int): The number of responses to generate. Default is 1.
   - List[str]: A list of generated responses.
   responses = []
   for _ in range(n):
       response = client.chat.completions.create(
                   "role": "user",
                   "content": prompt,
   return responses

This generate_response  function calls the API of ChatGPT-3.5 and generates the response.

  1. It takes two things as input:
    • A question or statement (called a prompt) that we want the model to respond to.
    • A number that tells it how many answers we want (generally  1)
  2. It created an empty list to store the LLM responses or answers.
  3. After getting all the answers, it gives or returns a list of answers.

Step 3: Defining a function (generate_conr_prompt)  to create a structured prompt for solving mathematical or logical problems.

def generate_conr_prompt(problem):
   steps = [
       "1. Identify the given information",
       "2. Determine the steps needed to solve the problem",
       "3. Perform each step, showing calculations",
       "4. Verify the result",
       "5. Present the final answer"
   prompt = f"""
Problem: {problem}
Please solve this problem using the following steps:
{' '.join(steps)}
Provide a detailed explanation for each step.
   return prompt

The above generate_conr_prompt function defines a list of steps for problem-solving, which includes:

  • Identifying given information
  • Determining necessary steps
  • Performing calculations
  • Verifying the result
  • Presenting the final answer

It constructs a prompt string using an f-string, which incorporates:

  • The input problem
  • An instruction to solve the problem using the listed steps
  • The list of steps, joined into a single string
  • A request for detailed explanations

Finally, it returns the constructed prompt.

Step 4: Setting up our problem, creating a prompt, and generating responses

Now, we are ready to use our functions. Let’s understand what this code is doing and how we’re calling our helper functions to get the desired output:

  1. It defines our main problem: a complex pricing calculation involving discounts, coupons, and sales tax.
  2. It creates a detailed prompt using our generate_conr_prompt function, which structures the problem-solving approach.
  3. It calls the generate_responses function with our new prompt, which interacts with the OpenAI API to get solution(s).

Finally, the code outputs the LLM response(s). It uses a loop to handle multiple responses if requested. Each response is formatted as a Markdown heading and text for better readability.

problem = "If a store offers a 20% discount on a $150 item, and you have a $10 coupon, what's the final price after applying sales tax of 8%?"
conr_prompt = generate_conr_prompt(problem)
responses = generate_responses(conr_prompt)
for i, response in enumerate(responses, 1):
   display(Markdown(f"### Response {i}:\n{response}"))

As mentioned in the output, The Chain of Numerical Reasoning analysis breaks down the price calculation into five interconnected steps:

  1. Initial Information: Gathering the given data about the original price, discount percentage, coupon amount, and tax rate.
  2. Discount Calculation: Computing the discount amount based on the original price and discount percentage.
  3. Subtotal Determination: Calculate the subtotal by subtracting both the discount and coupon from the original price.
  4. Tax Computation: Determining the sales tax amount based on the subtotal and given tax rate.
  5. Final Price Calculation: Adding the sales tax to the subtotal to arrive at the final price.

This chain approach explains the price calculation process from its starting point with the original price to the final price after all adjustments. It demonstrates how each step builds upon the previous ones, creating a logical sequence of calculations. The approach also includes a verification step, ensuring the accuracy of the final result by reviewing all the calculation components.

By following this chain of reasoning, we can systematically solve pricing problems that involve multiple factors, such as discounts, coupons, and taxes. It provides a clear, step-by-step method for tackling complex numerical problems, making the solution process more organized and easier to follow.

CoNR’s Applications in a Range of Fields

Beyond basic arithmetic, Chain of Numerical Reasoning has several uses. The following are some areas where CoNR is having a big influence:

  1. Finance: CoNR assists with risk assessment, investment strategy optimization, and complex financial modeling.
  2. Scientific Research: To evaluate hypotheses, conduct statistical tests, and examine experimental data, researchers employ CoNR.
  3. Engineering: CoNR helps engineers solve difficult technological problems, such as stress calculations and optimization issues.
  4. Business Intelligence: CoNR gives AI the ability to manage resource allocation, forecast sales, and conduct in-depth market analysis.
  5. Education: CoNR-enabled AI serves as an excellent tutor for students struggling with math and science concepts by demonstrating step-by-step problem-solving.

Improving AI Models with CoNR

Let’s define our Chain of Numerical Reasoning (CoNR) helper function to create a prompt suitable for financial analysis:. This is a more complex example that shows how to format a CoNR prompt for a task involving financial analysis:

def financial_analysis_conr(company_data):
   steps = [
       "1. Calculate the company's gross profit margin",
       "2. Determine the operating profit margin",
       "3. Compute the net profit margin",
       "4. Calculate the return on equity (ROE)",
       "5. Analyze the debt-to-equity ratio",
       "6. Provide an overall financial health assessment"
   prompt = f"""
Company Financial Data:
Perform a comprehensive financial analysis using the following steps:
{' '.join(steps)}
For each step:
1. Show your calculations
2. Explain the significance of the result
3. Provide industry benchmarks for comparison (if applicable)
Conclude with an overall assessment of the company's financial health and potential areas for improvement.
   return prompt

Let’s understand the financial_analysis_conr function:

  1. The function takes one input:
    • Company financial data as a string
  2. It creates a prompt that includes:
    • The company’s financial data
    • Instructions for performing a comprehensive financial analysis
    • A numbered list of all the analysis steps
    • Directions for each step of the analysis, including:
      1. a. Showing calculations
      2.  b. Explaining the significance of results 
    • Request for an overall assessment and improvement areas
  3. Finally, it returns a completely constructed prompt.

Let’s call our financial analysis CoNR function with the previous helper functions to get the best answer:

First, define the company data:

company_data = """
Revenue: $1,000,000
Cost of Goods Sold: $600,000
Operating Expenses: $200,000
Net Income: $160,000
Total Assets: $2,000,000
Total Liabilities: $800,000
Shareholders' Equity: $1,200,000

Generating financial analysis prompt using financial_analysis_conr:

Now, we are ready to use our functions. Let’s understand what this code is doing and how we’re calling our helper functions to get the desired output:

  1. It defines our company’s financial data, including revenue, costs, income, and balance sheet information.
  2. It creates a detailed prompt using our financial_analysis_conr function, which structures the financial analysis approach.
  3. It calls the generate_responses function with our new prompt, which interacts with the OpenAI API to get analysis result(s).
  4. Finally, the code outputs the LLM response(s). It uses a loop to handle multiple responses if requested. Each response is formatted as a Markdown heading and text for better readability.
financial_prompt = financial_analysis_conr(company_data)
financial_responses = generate_responses(financial_prompt)
for i, response in enumerate(financial_responses, 1):
   display(Markdown(f"### Financial Analysis Response {i}:\n{response}"))


As we can see in Output. The Chain of Financial Reasoning analysis breaks down the company’s financial performance into six interconnected steps:

  1. Gross Profit Margin: Assesses the company’s ability to generate profit from its core operations by comparing revenue to the cost of goods sold.
  2. Operating Profit Margin: This measure evaluates the company’s operational efficiency by considering both the cost of goods sold and operating expenses.
  3. Net Profit Margin: Measures overall profitability by factoring in all expenses, including taxes and interest.
  4. Return on Equity (ROE): Analyzes how effectively the company uses shareholders’ equity to generate profits.
  5. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Examines the company’s financial leverage and risk by comparing total liabilities to shareholders’ equity.
  6. Overall Financial Health Assessment: This assessment synthesizes insights from all previous metrics to provide a comprehensive view of the company’s financial position.

This chain approach explains the company’s financial performance, from its basic profitability at the gross level to its overall financial health. It demonstrates how each financial metric builds upon and relates to the others, creating a comprehensive picture of the company’s financial status.

The analysis includes calculations for each metric, their significance, and comparison to industry benchmarks. This systematic approach allows for a thorough evaluation of the company’s financial strengths and potential areas for improvement.

Following this chain of reasoning, we can systematically analyze a company’s financial performance, considering various aspects of profitability, efficiency, and financial structure. It provides a clear, step-by-step method for tackling complex financial analyses, making the evaluation process more organized and easier to understand.

The Chain of Reasoning approach, whether applied to numerical problems or financial analysis, provides a systematic framework for tackling complex issues. It breaks down the overall task into interconnected steps, each building upon the previous ones. This method allows for a clear progression from basic data to complex calculations or analyses, revealing how different elements relate. This structured pathway enables us to navigate intricate topics more effectively, leading to comprehensive solutions and deeper understanding.

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CoNR’s Prospects in Prompt Engineering

The application of a Chain of Numerical Reasoning in prompt engineering is expected to grow as AI develops. Here are a few noteworthy upcoming developments:

  1. Adaptive CoNR: Future AI models may dynamically modify their reasoning chains depending on the task’s difficulty and the user’s comprehension level.
  2. Multi-modal CoNR: AI will be able to tackle increasingly more difficult, real-world situations by fusing textual and visual information processing with numerical reasoning.
  3. Explainable AI: CoNR will make AI decision-making more transparent and interpretable, addressing concerns about AI black box solutions.
  4. Personalized Learning: In educational settings, CoNR will enable AI tutors to tailor their explanations to individual student’s learning styles and paces.

Although Chain of Numerical Reasoning has a lot of potential, there are certain difficulties. Ensuring every chain link is accurate is essential since mistakes can spread and result in false conclusions. Furthermore, creating effective CoNR prompts demands a thorough comprehension of the problem domain and the capabilities of the AI model.


The chain of numerical reasoning links artificial intelligence and human analytical thought, and it serves as more than just a rapid engineering tool. CoNR allows AI to solve difficulties that previously seemed insurmountable by decomposing complex issues into logical steps; CoNR enables AI to tackle challenges that once seemed insurmountable. As we continue to refine and expand this approach, we’re not just improving AI’s problem-solving abilities – we’re paving the way for a future where humans and AI can collaborate more effectively, leveraging the strengths of both to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.

The Chain of Numerical Reasoning’s journey is only getting started in prompt engineering. As researchers and practitioners come up with new ideas, we anticipate seeing even more potent and adaptable uses of this technique across various businesses and disciplines. CoNR is paving the path for the promising field of AI-assisted problem-solving in the future.

Want to become a master of Prompt Engineering? Sign-up for our GenAI Pinnacle Program today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Chain of Numerical Reasoning (CoNR) in prompt engineering?

Ans. CoNR is a technique that guides AI models through a sequential process of logical and numerical reasoning, breaking complex problems into smaller, manageable steps to improve accuracy in tasks like financial analysis, data-driven decision-making, and mathematical challenges.

Q2. How does CoNR improve AI problem-solving capabilities?

Ans. CoNR improves AI problem-solving by simulating human thought processes, demonstrating work step-by-step, increasing transparency in decision-making, and allowing for more accurate and comprehensive solutions to complex numerical problems.

Q3. What are some key applications of CoNR across different fields?

Ans. CoNR has applications in finance (risk assessment, investment strategy optimization), scientific research (hypothesis evaluation, statistical tests), engineering (stress calculations, optimization problems), business intelligence (resource allocation, sales forecasting), and education (as an AI tutor for math and science concepts).

Q4. How does CoNR contribute to making AI more explainable and transparent?

Ans. By breaking down complex problems into logical steps and showing the work involved in reaching solutions, CoNR plays a crucial role in making AI decision-making more transparent and interpretable, addressing concerns about AI black box solutions.

Shikha Sen 01 Aug, 2024

With 4 years of experience in model development and deployment, I excel in optimizing machine learning operations. I specialize in containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, enhancing inference through techniques like quantization and pruning. I am proficient in scalable model deployment, leveraging monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK stack for performance tracking and anomaly detection. My skills include setting up robust data pipelines using Apache Airflow and ensuring data quality with stringent validation checks. I am experienced in establishing CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitHub Actions, and I manage model versioning using MLflow and DVC. Committed to data security and compliance, I ensure adherence to regulations like GDPR and CCPA. My expertise extends to performance tuning, optimizing hardware utilization for GPUs and TPUs. I actively engage with the LLMOps community, staying abreast of the latest advancements to continually improve large language model deployments. My goal is to drive operational efficiency and scalability in AI systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

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