How to Build a Conversational Chatbot with GPT-4o?

Shikha Sen 29 Jul, 2024
7 min read


Chatbots are now essential tools for developers and organizations alike in the rapidly changing fields of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. A chatbot’s capacity to retain context during a conversation is essential to developing one that is genuinely interesting and intelligent. With an emphasis on managing conversation history to provide more human-like interactions, this article will walk you through creating a smart Chatbot with GPT-4o.

How to Build a Conversational Chatbot with GPT-4o?


  • Chatbots using GPT-4o need to retain conversation history for coherent, personalized, and user-friendly interactions.
  • Maintaining context helps chatbots handle complex queries, provide customized responses, and improve over time.
  • The article guides setting up a contextual chatbot with GPT-4o, including environment setup, history management, and response generation.
  • Enhancing suggestions include persona customization, error handling, user profiling, and intent recognition.
  • Developers must address privacy, token limits, context relevance, scalability, and ethical considerations.

Understanding the Importance of Context

Let’s examine why preserving conversation history is essential for a chatbot before getting into the technical details:

  • Coherence: A contextual chatbot can guarantee a more organic and cogent conversation flow by referring to earlier messages. Since this imitates human speech patterns, interactions feel more genuine.
  • Personalization: The chatbot can respond with more customized responses by storing information about previous encounters and user preferences. The degree of personalization this offers can greatly increase user engagement and happiness.
  • Complicated Questions: Certain jobs or inquiries can require details from several discussion turns. Because of context retention, the chatbot can easily manage these intricate situations.
  • Better User Experience: Interactions are more fluid and effective because users don’t have to repeat information. This lessens irritation and improves the chatbot’s usability.
  • Learning and Adaptation: Using context allows the chatbot to draw lessons from past exchanges and modify its responses over time, possibly leading to better performance.

Setting Up the Environment

To start building a chatbot with GPT-4o, you’ll need to install Python and access the OpenAI API. Let’s begin by setting up our development environment:

  1. First, install the necessary libraries:
!pip install openai python-dotenv
  1. Create a .env file in your project directory to store your OpenAI API key securely:
  1. If you’re using version control, make sure to add .env to your .gitignore file to avoid accidentally sharing your API key.

Also read: How to Build Your AI Chatbot with NLP in Python?

Building the Contextual Chatbot

Now, let’s break down the creation of our contextual chatbot into a few key phrases. 

We will walk through every code piece to ensure you understand it completely.

Initializing the Chatbot

from openai import OpenAI
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
client = OpenAI()
class ContextualChatbot:
   def __init__(self):
       self.conversation_history = []
       self.max_history_length = 10  # Adjust as needed


  • First, we import the required libraries: dotenv loads environment variables; os accesses those variables, and openai interfaces with the GPT4o API.
  • load_dotenv() loads the environment variables from the .env file, keeping our API key secure.
  • We define a ContextualChatbot class with an __init__ method that:
    • Sets the OpenAI API key from the environment variable.
    •  Initializes an empty list conversation_history to store the chat history.
  • Setting a max_history_length limits the number of messages we save in memory. This is crucial for controlling token restrictions and guaranteeing effective API utilization.

Managing Conversation History

def update_conversation_history(self, role, content):
     self.conversation_history.append({"role": role, "content": content})
     # Trim history if it exceeds the maximum length
     if len(self.conversation_history) > self.max_history_length:
         self.conversation_history = self.conversation_history[-self.max_history_length:]


  1. The discussion history’s length is controlled, and fresh messages are added in this way.
  2. It takes two parameters:
    • role: Identifies whether the message is from the “user” or the “assistant“.
    • content: The actual text of the message.
  3. In accordance with the OpenAI API’s intended format, the new message is attached as a dictionary to the conversation_history list.
  4. If the history exceeds max_history_length, we trim it by keeping only the most recent messages. This helps manage memory usage and API token limits.

Generating Responses with GPT4o

def generate_response(self, user_input):
     self.update_conversation_history("user", user_input)
         response =
                 {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
         assistant_response = response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
         self.update_conversation_history("assistant", assistant_response)
         return assistant_response
     except Exception as e:
         print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
         return "I'm sorry, but I encountered an error. Please try again."


  • Our chatbot’s main function is this technique, which uses the GPT4o model to generate responses.
  • It first adds the user’s input to the conversation history using the update_conversation_history method.
  •  To ensure that our chatbot handles problems gracefully, we employ a try-except block to handle any failures that may arise during API calls.
  • Inside the try block:
    • We use openai.ChatCompletion.create() to make an OpenAI API call.
    • We define the model (“gpt4o” in this case) and offer the following messages:
    • A customized system message can provide a particular tone or persona for your chatbot while outlining the assistant’s purpose.
    • The complete history of the communication is given so the model can take into account the entire context.
    • From the API result, we retrieve the response from the assistant.
    • The response from the assistant is returned and added to the history of the interaction.
  • If an error occurs, we print it for debugging purposes and return a generic error message to the user.

Implementing the Main Conversation Loop

def run(self):
     print("Chatbot: Hello! How can I assist you today?")
     while True:
         user_input = input("You: ")
         if user_input.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'bye']:
             print("Chatbot: Goodbye! Have a great day!")
         response = self.generate_response(user_input)
         print(f"Chatbot: {response}")


  • The run method implements our chatbot’s user interface, the primary conversation loop.
  • The exchange begins with a salutation to set the tone.
  • A while loop is included within the method, and it runs until the user chooses to end it:
    • User input is requested.
    • uses targeted keyword searching to determine whether the user wants to quit.
    • It generates a response using the generate_response method and prints it if the user chooses not to exit.
  • To ensure that the chatbot only runs when the script is evaluated directly and not when it is imported as a module, the if __name__ == “__main__”: block is used.
  • It launches the discussion loop and instantiates a ContextualChatbot instance.

Complete Code

from openai import OpenAI
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
client = OpenAI()
class ContextualChatbot:
   def __init__(self):
       self.conversation_history = []
       self.max_history_length = 10  # Adjust as needed
   def update_conversation_history(self, role, content):
     self.conversation_history.append({"role": role, "content": content})
     # Trim history if it exceeds the maximum length
     if len(self.conversation_history) > self.max_history_length:
         self.conversation_history = self.conversation_history[-self.max_history_length:]
   def generate_response(self, user_input):
     self.update_conversation_history("user", user_input)
         response =
                 {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
         assistant_response = response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
         self.update_conversation_history("assistant", assistant_response)
         return assistant_response
     except Exception as e:
         print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
         return "I'm sorry, but I encountered an error. Please try again."
   def run(self):
     print("Chatbot: Hello! How can I assist you today?")
     while True:
         user_input = input("You: ")
         if user_input.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'bye']:
             print("Chatbot: Goodbye! Have a great day!")
         response = self.generate_response(user_input)
         print(f"Chatbot: {response}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
   chatbot = ContextualChatbot()


Chatbot with GPT-4o?

Also read: Build a Simple Chatbot Using NLTK Library in Python

Enhancing the Chatbot

Once the foundation is in place, there are several methods to enhance your chatbot even more:

  1. Persona Customisation: Change the system message to assign your chatbot a certain role or personality. For instance:
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a friendly customer service representative for a tech company."}
  1. Error Handling: Establish stronger procedures for recovery and error handling. For example, you may include fallback replies for various error types or retries for API calls.
  2. User Profiling: Keep track of user preferences and data between sessions for even more customized interactions. To store user data, this can entail integrating a database.
  3. Multiturn processes: Create tools for managing intricate, multi-step processes that necessitate maintenance of message state. This could use decision trees or assisted workflows.
  4. Intent Recognition: Incorporate basic intent recognition to comprehend customer inquiries better and deliver more precise answers.
def recognize_intent(self, user_input):
   # Simple keywordbased intent recognition
   if "weather" in user_input.lower():
       return "weather_inquiry"
   elif "appointment" in user_input.lower():
       return "appointment_scheduling"
   # Add more intents as needed
   return "general_inquiry"
  1. Dynamic Context Management: Use a more advanced system that chooses pertinent conversations from the past based on the present inquiry rather than relying on a predetermined quantity of past messages.

Challenges and Considerations of Building Chatbot with GPT-4o

Contextual chatbot development has several advantages, but there are also some drawbacks to consider:

  1. Privacy Concerns: Maintaining communication logs poses privacy challenges. Make sure your data handling and retention rules are up to date. Think about encrypting user data and letting users choose not to retain their historical data.
  2. Token Limits: GPT4o may only handle a limited number of tokens for input and output. Remember this the next time you send and save chat histories. More sophisticated trimming algorithms that prioritize pertinent data might be necessary.
  3. Relevance: Not every historical context relates to a given current question. Consider using techniques like semantic similarity matching or time-based message degradation to leverage context in a targeted manner.
  4. Scalability: As your chatbot has more interactions, you’ll need to consider effective methods for storing and retrieving past exchanges. Databases and caching techniques can be necessary for this.
  5. Bias and Ethical Issues: Recognise that the model might reinforce biases found in the training set of data. Maintain a regular audit of your chatbot’s responses and put precautions in place to prevent it from producing offensive or biased information.
  6. Hallucination: GPT models can occasionally produce accurate but believable-sounding data. Use disclaimers or fact-checking procedures as needed, particularly for important applications.


Using GPT-4o to build a contextual chatbot creates a world of possibilities for intelligent, personalized, and engaging conversational encounters. Your chatbot can understand and reply to complicated requests, recall user preferences, and provide a more natural relationship by keeping track of past conversations.

Remember that the secret to success is striking the correct balance between upholding relevant context and handling the ethical and technological issues that come with increasingly sophisticated AI interactions as you continue to create and improve your chatbot. A chatbot that delivers value to its customers will require frequent testing, user feedback, and incremental upgrades.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is retaining conversation history important for chatbots?

Ans. Retaining conversation history ensures coherent, personalized, and user-friendly interactions, improving user satisfaction and engagement.

Q2. How can I set up the environment for building a chatbot with GPT-4o?

Ans. Install necessary libraries like openai and python-dotenv, and securely store your OpenAI API key in a .env file.

Q3. What are the key components of a contextual chatbot?

Ans. Key components include conversation history management, response generation using GPT-4o, and a main conversation loop for user interaction.

Q4. What challenges should I consider when building a contextual chatbot?

Ans. When responding, consider privacy concerns, token limits, context relevance, scalability, and ethical issues like bias and hallucination.

Shikha Sen 29 Jul, 2024

With 4 years of experience in model development and deployment, I excel in optimizing machine learning operations. I specialize in containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, enhancing inference through techniques like quantization and pruning. I am proficient in scalable model deployment, leveraging monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK stack for performance tracking and anomaly detection. My skills include setting up robust data pipelines using Apache Airflow and ensuring data quality with stringent validation checks. I am experienced in establishing CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitHub Actions, and I manage model versioning using MLflow and DVC. Committed to data security and compliance, I ensure adherence to regulations like GDPR and CCPA. My expertise extends to performance tuning, optimizing hardware utilization for GPUs and TPUs. I actively engage with the LLMOps community, staying abreast of the latest advancements to continually improve large language model deployments. My goal is to drive operational efficiency and scalability in AI systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

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